Not bad at all
The artwork could be better but overall i'd say it wasnt too bad.. especially the jokes *cough* anyways keep submitting those movies it can only get better over time!
Not bad at all
The artwork could be better but overall i'd say it wasnt too bad.. especially the jokes *cough* anyways keep submitting those movies it can only get better over time!
I'm impressed everytime i watch that movie. After every single part i wonder "how'd he do that?" One of these days I'll make something like this...but not likely. Actually theres no chance at all...
Anyways great job keep it up; People really enjoy these
oh geez... that was quite disturbing, his foot was in the wrong direction
Note to self: dont do that
Oh derek
haha, nice job desroches... me and blaine are gonna start making some of these animations, anyways nice job on this one... i hadnt seen it before!
I hate animals
Woah i cant beleive it... you took an awesome thing (TNMT) and screwed it up!! i didnt think it was possible... as soon as things started to get a little out of hand i couldnt watch anymore!! i cant beleive u would do that to the turtles!! you took a good idea and ruined it!
lol stfu newbie
good but could be better
i thought this was a pretty good movie. Im more into the comdies myself but i enjoyed this movie. The review b4 this one talked about how we didnt feel sorry for the main character because we never got to know them. that is one important factor in dramatic movies. if you had added a few scenes of this perfect life with this man, his daughter, and his wife we would have gotten to know them better then if you did a few flashy scenes to show how they died it would add mroe sympathy for the main character. but overall i quite liked this movie. the flash was pretty basic but im not one to talk cause i dont know how to do it! anyways keep up the good work!
Not too shabby
i enjoyed the 3d graphics when they appeared but a few things you could approve on are:
1) the fire....its looked like bright moving triangles
2) the walking animation...they are too stiff legged
3) the music...sorta sounded like a cheesy anime movie opening scene
but other than those few things it was very original and over not bad! keep up the good work
well well well im impressed and im not easily impressed...u say ure new to flash as well...i guess that uve got a talent then...keep up the good work cant wait to see the real thing!!
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Age 35, Male
Full Time Student
Saskatchewan, Canada
Joined on 6/14/03